Dangling CNAME/Orphaned CNAME leads P2 on Google VRP |
Subdomain Takeover in Azure Trafficmanager for Fun & Profit |
Again? Subdomain takeover via ideanote.io |
Subdomain takeover via nolt.io |
How we tried to book a train ticket and ended up with a databreach with 245,000 records |
Subdomain Takeover leading to Full Account Takeover |
Bugging Out: My Experience of Earning $300 for Reporting an Unexpected Bug |
Subdomain Takeover: How a Misconfigured DNS Record Could Lead to a Huge Supply Chain Attack |
Mining Takeovers for Fun and Profit |
Broken links hijacking and CDN takeover |
How do I take over another user subdomain name worth $$$$ |
Subdomain Hijacking Of Any Qwilr’s Customer |
Fastly Subdomain Takeover $2000 |
Hijacking AUR Packages by Searching for Expired Domains |
Taking over the Medium subdomain using Medium |
One takeover to rule them all |
How I made 300 GitHub repos point to my blog using Azure subdomains takeover |
Subdomain takeover and Text injection on a 404 error page-$100 bounty |
Hall of Fame Vice Media ? hacking while sleepy… |
Hijacking Over 100k GoDaddy Websites |
Passive Recon with Spyse (Part-II) |
Recon and YouTube, is that a thing? |
My First Bounty and How I Got It |
Subdomain Takeover via Leadpages Services on Tiktok |
HOW I hacked thousand of subdomains |