writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / SQL Injection

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
How i was able to bypass Cloudflare WAF for SQLi payload
My write-up in hacking IBM’s administration panel and getting SQLi on it
Moodle Blind SQL injection via MNet authentication
Diving into Open-source LMS Codebases
How I Found multiple SQL Injection with FFUF and Sqlmap in a few minutes
How i Got 3 SQL injection in just 10 minutes.
A Scientific Notation Bug in MySQL left AWS WAF Clients Vulnerable to SQL Injection
How I Escalated a Time-Based SQL Injection to RCE
SQL injection in harvard subdomain
CVE-2021-39165: A Bug Bounty Journey from a Laravel SQL Injection Vulnerability
SSRF External Service Interaction for Find Real IP CloudFlare and Leads to SQL Injection
How I Found Multiple Bugs On FaceBook In 1 Month And a Part For My Methodology & Tools
How I found Blind SQL Injection just by browsing and getting a unique URL
Hey WAF! Better Luck Next Time! 👽
Time-Based SQL Injection to Dumping the Database
MSSQL Injection In JSON Request
How I Found Sql Injection on intensedebate.com (h1) in 5 minute $350
Fun sql injection — mod_security bypass
How I Found Sql Injection on 8x8 , Cengage,Comodo,Automattic,20 company
Admin Panel Accessed Via SQL Injection… (Ezy Boooom…😅)
Is Math.random() Safe? from missing rate limit to bypass 2fa and possible sqli
Sql Injection via hidden parameter
My Bug Bounty Journey and My First Critical Bug — Time Based Blind SQL Injection
Exploiting Blind Postgresql Injection And Exfiltrating Data In Psycopg2
The Story of my first critical bug