writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / SQL Injection

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
Advanced sqlmap Case Study
SQL Injection in Harvard’s Subdomain
How a YouTube Video lead to pwning a web application via SQL Injection worth $4324 bounty
CVE-2021-38159: MOVEit Transfer SQL Injection Analysis
CVE-2021-4119: [Bookstack] Email harvesting via SQL "LIKE" clause exploitation
Pwning Microsoft Azure Defender for IoT | Multiple Flaws Allow Remote Code Execution for All
My First Blind SQL Injection
SQL Injection at Spotify
Moodle 2nd Order Sqli
How I Hacked the Dutch Government with SQLi and Won the Famous T-Shirt?
Finding an unseen SQL Injection by bypassing escape functions in mysqljs/mysql
CVE-2022-0478 - WooCommerce Event-Manager Plugin SQL Injection
BigQuery SQL Injection Cheat Sheet
SQL Injection, Reflected XSS and Information Disclosure in one subdomain in just 10 minutes
How I found a critical P1 bug in 5 minutes using a cellphone — Bug Bounty
A technique to semi-automatically find vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins
120 Days of Frequent Hacking
CVE-2022-21661: Exposing Database Info Via Wordpress SQL Injection
120 Days of High Frequency Hunting
Moodle: Blind SQL Injection (CVE-2021-36393) and Broken Access Control (CVE-2021-36397)
Gaining access through error-based SQLi using WebSockets
Pwning the portal: from database dump to session hijacking
SQL Injection - The File Upload Playground
How I Bypassed Incapsula WAF By Imperva
Easy SQLi in Amazon subsidiary using Sqlmap