writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / Reflected XSS

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
Reflected XSS In AT&T
Escalating reflected XSS with HTTP Smuggling
XSS on Sony subdomain
$150 XSS at Error Page of Respository Code
HTML Injection to XSS bypass in [REDACTED.com]
Reflected XSS in graph.facebook.com leads to account takeover in IE/Edge
CORS Misconfiguration to Account TakeOver [Out of scope to grab items In-Scope]
5,000 USD XSS Issue at Avast Desktop AntiVirus for Windows (Yes, Desktop!)
How PayPal helped me to generate XSS
Stealing login credentials with Reflected XSS
Bug Hunting: Xss On Cookie Popup Warning
Cookie worth a fortune
How I Found XSS By Searching In Shodan
Reflected XSS in Ebay.com
Reflected XSS in Tokopedia Train Ticket
Reflected XSS on Error Page
‘Try-Harder’ for XSS
From Reflected XSS to Account Takeover — Showing XSS Impact
[XSS] Reflected XSS Bypass Filter
How I was able to turn self xss into reflected xss
A real XSS in OLX Bug Bounty
OLX Bug Bounty: Reflected XSS
XSS in Edmodo within 5 Minute (My First Bug Bounty)
[Still work] Redirect Yahoo Subdomain XSS Reflected from americangreetings.com
Reflected XSS at https://photos.shopify.com