writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / Reflected XSS

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
Basic HTTP Authentication Risk: Uncovering pyspider Vulnerabilities
Continuing the Citrix Saga: CVE-2023-5914 & CVE-2023-6184
ALWAYS test 404 Not Found in Bug Bounties!
Leaked SQL Error Leading To XSS And Another BSQLi
How I found RXSS in Facebook, Twitter and Google training academy
Stealing private messages using XSS on subdomain
Multiple RXSS
Remote Code execution at ws1.aholdusa.com — Compromising logins of Ahold Delhaize USA employees for >3.5 years (or even 18 years?)
pfSense Security: Sensing Code Vulnerabilities with SonarCloud
$7000 Bounty on a Single Web Application
$9240 Bounty in 30 days Hunt Challenge
Technical Advisory: Vulnerabilities Identified within ListServ
You can add extra zeroes. XSS bypass on a private bug bounty program
One Bug at a Time: $1,500 worth of XSS
The Not So Pleasant Password Manager
Azure HDInsight Riddled With XSS Vulnerabilities via Apache Services
My First Bug: How I Was Able to Bypass the WAF and Uncover a Reflected XSS
Desperate XSS
Reversing Citrix Gateway for XSS
Reflected XSS Injection & Permanent Open Redirection
Multiple vulnerabilities in Delmia Apriso 2017 to 2022
Finding XSS in a million websites (cPanel CVE-2023-29489)
Uncovering a Critical Vulnerability: My Journey of Discovering CVE-2021–31589, a Reflected XSS in LinkedIn
Popping Tags: Exploiting Template Injections in PRTG Network Monitor
Anatomy of a Reflected XSS: My Discovery on a Microsoft’s Subdomain