writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / PostMessage

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
Lessons Learned From Exposing Unusual XSS Vulnerabilities
Universal Code Execution by Chaining Messages in Browser Extensions
How I found DOM XSS via postMessage on Bing.com - Microsoft Bug Bounty
Exfiltrating Data from Sandboxed Documents
Go Go XSS Gadgets: Chaining a DOM Clobbering Exploit in the Wild
Who are you? The Importance of Verifying Message Origins
XSS to OAuth access token leak in office online which can be used to account takeover
Google Extensions (Awarded $18833.7)
Two XSS Vulnerabilities in Azure with Embedded postMessage IFrames
XSS in WordPress via open embed auto discovery
A smorgasbord of a bug chain: postMessage, JSONP, WAF bypass, DOM-based XSS, CORS, CSRF…
CSS Injection via PostMessages to stealing Credit Card Info
Imperva Red Team Discovers Vulnerability in TikTok That Can Reveal User Activity and Information
How Your NFTs Could Have Been Stolen in Just One Click
postMessage DOM XSS vulnerability in Gartner Peer Insights widget
Account Takeover in Canvas Apps served in Comet due to failure in Cross-Window-Message Origin validation
XSS using postMessage in Google Cloud Theia notebooks [Google VRP]
XSS on account.leagueoflegends.com via easyXDM [2016]
Adobe Acrobat hollowing out same-origin policy
OAuth and PostMessage - Chaining misconfigurations for your access token.
Critical XSS in chrome extension
Yes, fun browser extensions can have vulnerabilities too!
PostMessage Xss vulnerability on private program
Stealing tokens, emails, files and more in Microsoft Teams through malicious tabs
XSS via postMessage in chat.mozilla.org