writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / Path Traversal

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
The forgotten IPFS vulnerabilities
Tarfile: Exploiting the World With a 15-Year-Old Vulnerability
QUEST KACE Desktop Authority Pre-Auth Remote Code Execution (CVE-2021-44031)
Oracle SBC: Multiple Security Vulnerabilities Leading to Unauthorized Access and Denial of Service
Useless path traversals in Zyxel admin interface (CVE-2022-2030)
We discovered major vulnerabilities in Control Web Panel. Here’s how we found them.
How I earned a $6000 bug bounty from Cloudflare
Mining Node.js Vulnerabilities via Object Dependence Graph and Query
(ZOHO) Manage Engine Desktop Central – SQL Injection / Arbitrary File Write
Arris / Arris-variant DSL/Fiber router critical vulnerability exposure
Write-up: BlogEngine .NET - 0day Discovery
A Case Study of API Vulnerabilities - Part 2, and Empty Heads
Pwning ManageEngine — From PoC to Exploit: A deep dive into CVE-2020–11531 and CVE-2020–11532
Unrar Path Traversal Vulnerability affects Zimbra Mail
External Authentication bypass in ingress-nginx
Breaking Reverse Proxy Parser Logic
Leaking Your GitHub Repositories With Snyk Code
Bypassing WAF for $2222
Exploiting a File Upload Vulnerability — A Directory Traversal Attack
Bypass Apple Corp SSO on Apple Admin Panel
Meta's SparkAR RCE Via ZIP Path Traversal
Joomla! <= 4.1.0 (Tar.php) Zip Slip Vulnerability
How I Hacked A Crypto Company And Could Steal 1 Million Dollars Worth of Bitcoin
[ Directory Traversal attack ] How did I find it using GitHub
Catching bugs in VMware: Carbon Black Cloud Workload Appliance and vRealize Operations Manager