writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / OAuth

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
Bypassing Identity-Aware Proxy - Google Cloud Vulnerability
Exploiting OAuth: Journey to Account Takeover
Insufficient Redirect URI validation: The risk of allowing to dynamically add arbitrary query parameters and fragments to the redirect_uri
Account Takeover via improper input validation
This is why you shouldn’t trust your Federated Identity Provider
Oauth client secret leak and possible IDOR leading to PII Disclosure
How I could have hacked your medium account by phishing your FB, Twitter & Google credentials.
Information Disclosure to Account Takeover
Mattermost Server v5.32 > v5.36 Reflected XSS in OAuth flow
How I hacked a Target again and again…
Account takeover of Instagram accounts due to unrestricted permissions of third-party application’s generated tokens
Facebook account takeover due to unsafe redirects after the OAuth flow
Got Nice catch by Google
Facebook account takeover due to a bypass of allowed callback URLs in the OAuth flow
OAuth Misconfiguration found in small time-window of attack
OAuth Misconfiguration Leads to Full Account takeover
How I was able to Turn a XSS into a Account Takeover
Pre-Account Takeover using OAuth Misconfiguration
Bypassing the Redirect filters with 7 ways
Story of a Pre-Account Takeover
An often overlooked Oauth misconfiguration.
5 Ways to do Account Takeover in a Single Website
Never Give Up, The Story Behind a Dupe-To-Triaged
Vulnerability in new TouchID feature put iCloud accounts at risk of being breached