Vulnerabilities in NodeJS C/C++ add-on extensions |
CVE-2024-31735: LibEvent Library Memory Leak |
Lethal Injection: How We Hacked Microsoft's Healthcare Chat Bot |
Security Implications of net/textproto.Reader Misuse |
From MQTT Fundamentals to CVE |
Hunting for Bitwarden master passwords stored in memory |
SecurePwn Part 2: Leaking Remote Memory Contents (CVE-2023-22897) |
OpenSIPS Security Audit Report is fully disclosed and out there |
The code that wasn’t there: Reading memory on an Android device by accident |
Some Vulnerabilities Don’t Have A Name |
Multiple Vulnerabilities in Cisco Expressway |
ICMAD SAP Vulnerabilities (CVE-2022-22536, CVE-2022-22532 & CVE-2022-22533) |
A story of leaking uninitialized memory from Fastly |
Hacking Zoom: Uncovering Tales of Security Vulnerabilities in Zoom |
Imagemagick GIF coder vulnerability leads to memory disclosure (Hackerone) |