Bypassing Amazon Kids+ Parental Controls |
Improper Authentication in Android App |
Unauthorized access to Codespace secrets in GitHub |
30-Minute Heist: How I Bagged a $1500 Bounty in Just few Minutes! |
[1500$ Worth — Slack] vulnerability, bypass invite accept process |
The Inside Story of Finding a Reverse Transaction Vulnerability in a Financial Application |
We Hacked GitHub for a Month: Here’s What We Found |
Bypassing API Restrictions for Fun and Profit |
I was able to see likes count even though it was hidden by the victim | YouTube App 16.15.35 |
Disclosing Facebook page admins by playing a game |
AWS CloudTrail vulnerability: Undocumented API allows CloudTrail bypass |
How I Earned $1000 From Business Logic Vulnerability (account takeover) |
Full Team Takeover |
The Bug That Kept On Giving :: PaymentBypass :: Response Manipulation |
How I became a millionaire in 3h | Fintech Bug Bounty — Part 1 |
[WRITE-UP] Irremovable comments on the FB Lite app | A story of a simple FB Lite bug that I found just by observation (Bounty: 500 USD) |
Interesting find on the Invite link |
From Static domain to Account Takeover |
How i found 8 vulnerabilities in 24h? |
MEGA’s Unlimited Cloud Storage Vulnerability |
Varonis Threat Labs Discovers SQLi and Access Flaws in Zendesk |
My First Account Takeover |
How we ‘hacked’ Telenet’s cybersecurity quiz |
Exploit Feature To Get High Bug impact |