writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / Internal Pentest

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
Drop the Mic (CVE-2019-1166)
Dumping LSA secrets: a story about task decorrelation
Hello: I’m your Domain Admin and I want to authenticate against you
Pwn Dat Domain: Becoming Domain Admin With A Little Help From Veeam Backup
Hello: I’m your ADCS server and I want to authenticate against you
Exploiting stale ADIDNS entries
From NTAuthCertificates to “Silver” Certificate
GPOddity: Exploiting Active Directory GPOs Through NTLM Relaying, And More!
PenTales: Old Vulns, New Tricks
Domain Takeover Without Domain Admin Permissions
Multiple vulnerabilities in UCOPIA <= 6.0.7 (CVE-2022-44719 / CVE-2022-44720)
Anonymised Penetration Test Report
How Misconfigured and Vulnerable Devices Could Expose Your Company to Physical and Cyber Threats
From DA to EA with ESC5
IPv6 DNS Takeover via mitm6 (Write Up)
From BitLocker-Suspended to Virtual Machine
Protected Users: you thought you were safe uh?
Finding Initial Access on a real life Penetration Test
Assumed Breach Assessment Case Study: Uncovering WeSecureApp’s Approach
[RE:SCRUTINY] Delay Then Migrate Your Meterpreter