writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / IDOR

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
Digging JS files to find BUGs
A Developer’s Nightmare: Story of a simple IDOR and some poor fixes worth $1125
I mean, IDOR is NOT only about others ID
Hey Google Lets submit bug from Victim Account !
Abusing URL Shortners for fun and profit
How a Simple IDOR Led Me to Delete Any Account
An interesting idor that allowed me to See all projects ($$$$ Bounty)
PII Disclosure of Apple Users ($10k)
Exposing Millions of Voter ID card users’ details.
We Hacked Larksuite For 1 month and Here is what we found
My First Apple Bug And My First Writeup
Access control worth $2000 (everyone missed this IDOR+Access control between two admins.)
Exploiting vulnerabilities in iOS Application
How I hacked one of the biggest Airline in the world
How I found a Critical Bug in Instagram and Got 49500$ Bounty From Facebook
Account Takeover by Chaining Two IDORs
How I Get Bounty From Takeover Account
PayPal IDOR via billing Agreement Token (closed Informative, payment fraud)
How I was able to access IBM internal documents
A Tale of Confusing IDOR
Takeover seller accounts worth billions & millions
How I Paid For My Holiday With Bug Bounty
P1 Bug — PII information disclosure
IDOR (Insecure Direct Object Reference) leads to listing all valid Users and edit their Profiles
The #100DaysOfHacking Challenge : A Game Changer for Me