How I was able to get account takeover via IDOR form JWT |
Critical vulnerability on TP-Link service or how I got 0$ |
From Response To Request, Adding Your Own Variables Inside Of GraphQL Queries For Account Take Over |
One Bug at a Time: I failed my quiz on purpose to get $1,000! |
[Responsible Disclosure] How we could have deleted any Linkedin post |
From Django Debug Mode to PII Data Leak of more than 500+ Employees due Broken Access Control and IDOR |
Let me Unmask my next 👻 |
Credit card statement disclosure vulnerability in Viseca's eXpense portal |
How I chained multiple High-impact vulnerabilities to create a critical one. |
CVE-2023–24625 / IDOR in Faveo Service Desk |
Self XSS To Stored Through IDOR/ |
Accessing to Data Sources of any Facebook Business account via IDOR in GraphQL |
IDOR on |
JS file enumeration for bug bounty hunters |
How a simple IDOR impacted the data of thousands of customers of an Indian automotive giant |
My P1 — Account Takeover |
Insufficient GraphQL API vulnerability due to lack of validation of Authorization Bearer token |
Exposing 185M+ Indians’ Personal Information and much more |
Found an URL in the android application source code which lead to an IDOR |
IDOR Leads to MASS Account Takeover |
Play with Google, Twitter, Apple, Dell |
IDOR - Inside the Session Storage |
An IDOR vulnerability often hides many others |
Mass Account takeover by bypassing 2 FA |
Discovered a Critical IDOR and Earned $900 for My First P1 Vulnerability! |