writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / IDOR

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
How I was able to get account takeover via IDOR form JWT
Critical vulnerability on TP-Link service or how I got 0$
From Response To Request, Adding Your Own Variables Inside Of GraphQL Queries For Account Take Over
One Bug at a Time: I failed my quiz on purpose to get $1,000!
[Responsible Disclosure] How we could have deleted any Linkedin post
From Django Debug Mode to PII Data Leak of more than 500+ Employees due Broken Access Control and IDOR
Let me Unmask my next 👻
Credit card statement disclosure vulnerability in Viseca's eXpense portal
How I chained multiple High-impact vulnerabilities to create a critical one.
CVE-2023–24625 / IDOR in Faveo Service Desk
Self XSS To Stored Through IDOR/
Accessing to Data Sources of any Facebook Business account via IDOR in GraphQL
IDOR on bitdefender.com
JS file enumeration for bug bounty hunters
How a simple IDOR impacted the data of thousands of customers of an Indian automotive giant
My P1 — Account Takeover
Insufficient GraphQL API vulnerability due to lack of validation of Authorization Bearer token
Exposing 185M+ Indians’ Personal Information and much more
Found an URL in the android application source code which lead to an IDOR
IDOR Leads to MASS Account Takeover
Play with Google, Twitter, Apple, Dell
IDOR - Inside the Session Storage
An IDOR vulnerability often hides many others
Mass Account takeover by bypassing 2 FA
Discovered a Critical IDOR and Earned $900 for My First P1 Vulnerability!