writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / Email Spoofing

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
Old new email attacks
TRAP; RESET; POISON; - Taking over a country Kaminsky style
Laravel debug mode left on at Zouikwatzeggen.nl leaks admin credentials & potentially submitted reports of improper behaviour at Amsterdam University Medical Centers
Send email from anyone to any(user outlook Microsoft)
Arbitrary email forgery in Webflow
Mail Server Misconfiguration leads to sending a fax from anyone’s account on HelloFax (Dropbox BBP) for a bounty of $4,913
A Large-scale and Longitudinal Measurement Study of DKIM Deployment
A perfect duplicate or how to send an email with a spoofed invoice’s content
The Confused Mailman: Sending SPF and DMARC passing mail as any Gmail or G Suite customer
How I was able to send Authentic Emails as others — Google VRP [Resolved]
Google Bug: Posting on groups as any user’s behalf