writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / CSTI

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
Bidding Like a Billionaire - Stealing NFTs With 4-Char CSTIs
From AngularJS CSTI to credentials theft
SSO Gadgets II: Unauthenticated Client-Side Template Injection to Account Takeover using SSO Gadget Chain
Popping Tags: Exploiting Template Injections in PRTG Network Monitor
FabriXss (CVE-2022-35829): How We Managed to Abuse a Custom Role User Using CSTI and Stored XSS in Azure Fabric Explorer
Stored XSS in Nvidia via Angular JS template injection
AngularJS Client-Side Template Injection: The orderBy Filter.
XSS via Angular Template Injection
An unusual way to find XSS injection in one minute
C.S.T.I Lead To Account Takeover $$$
Finding Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in the Supply Chain
XSS in the AWS Console
The beauty of chaining client-side bugs
How I earned $$$$ through Stored XSS
Leveraging Template injection to takeover an account.
"Important, Spoofing" - zero-click, wormable, cross-platform remote code execution in Microsoft Teams
Reflected XSS on Microsoft.com via Angular Js template injection
The Secret sauce of bug bounty
Reflected XSS via AngularJS Template Injection
XSS without HTML: Client-Side Template Injection with AngularJS