writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / Broken Authorization

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
Tagged User Could Delete Facebook Story
Accessing Apple’s internal UAT Slackbot for fun and non-profit
Force Browsing bug at Facebook business plan ($500 Bounty)
Bypassing GCP Org Policy with Custom Metadata
How did I earned 6000$ from tokens and scopes in one day
How we was able to takeover whole organization via Privilege Escalation
Missing permission check for Facebook gaming community invites
Facebook Vulnerability: $1500 for Removing Document Cover
Part 2: Dive into Zoom Applications
Accessing Restricted Documents With Extra JSON Body Content
[Google VRP] Privilege escalation on https://dialogflow.cloud.google.com
How i was able to bypass parental pin of showmax
How I could have accessed all your private videos/photos saved inside your device without even unlocking it?
Workplace by Facebook | Unauthorized access to companies environment — $27,5k
Account takeover of Instagram accounts due to unrestricted permissions of third-party application’s generated tokens
Telegram bug bounties: XSS, privacy issues, official bot exploitation and more…
(POC) Untrim any live video on Facebook
Unauthorized access to admin setpassword page BY bypassing 403 Forbidden
My first Bug report at Facebook 2021
Multiple Authorization bypass issues in Google's Richmedia Studio
Join Facebook Group With Unpublish Page
RocketChat - Unauthenticated access to messages
Access private information about SparkAR effect owners who has a publicly viewable portfolio
Disclose internal CMS objects content
Make recruiting referrals on behalf of employees