Tagged User Could Delete Facebook Story |
Accessing Apple’s internal UAT Slackbot for fun and non-profit |
Force Browsing bug at Facebook business plan ($500 Bounty) |
Bypassing GCP Org Policy with Custom Metadata |
How did I earned 6000$ from tokens and scopes in one day |
How we was able to takeover whole organization via Privilege Escalation |
Missing permission check for Facebook gaming community invites |
Facebook Vulnerability: $1500 for Removing Document Cover |
Part 2: Dive into Zoom Applications |
Accessing Restricted Documents With Extra JSON Body Content |
[Google VRP] Privilege escalation on https://dialogflow.cloud.google.com |
How i was able to bypass parental pin of showmax |
How I could have accessed all your private videos/photos saved inside your device without even unlocking it? |
Workplace by Facebook | Unauthorized access to companies environment — $27,5k |
Account takeover of Instagram accounts due to unrestricted permissions of third-party application’s generated tokens |
Telegram bug bounties: XSS, privacy issues, official bot exploitation and more… |
(POC) Untrim any live video on Facebook |
Unauthorized access to admin setpassword page BY bypassing 403 Forbidden |
My first Bug report at Facebook 2021 |
Multiple Authorization bypass issues in Google's Richmedia Studio |
Join Facebook Group With Unpublish Page |
RocketChat - Unauthenticated access to messages |
Access private information about SparkAR effect owners who has a publicly viewable portfolio |
Disclose internal CMS objects content |
Make recruiting referrals on behalf of employees |