writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / Broken Access Control

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
Vestaboard: Exploring Broken Access Controls and Privilege Escalation
How I Earned $469 Bounty: Bypassing Plan Restriction
A Creative Way To Get Someones YouTube Videos Deleted + A Copyright Strike Against Their YouTube Channel
Leaking All Users Google Drive Files
Hacking Moodle Apps Via External Functions
Using E-Notation to bypass Access Control restrictions to access arbitrary user PII-discussions
Broken access control in GoAnywhere Admin portal
Bypassing a login page and getting full admin access on an internal training platform
How I found a simple bug in Facebook events without any Test
1 Program, 4 Business Logic Bugs and Cashing in 2300$.
How I Earned My First Bug Bounty Reward of $600
How I Helped Indonesian Startup Company to Prevent Millions of PII Data Leaks
500$ Access Control Bug: Performed Restricted Actions in Developer Settings by low level user.
CVE-2023-6483: Improper/missing API authentication in ADiTaaS v5.1
Navigating the Sea, Exploiting DigitalOcean APIs
$9240 Bounty in 30 days Hunt Challenge
Hacking a Large Company in MINUTES by Reading Docs
Technical Details for CVE-2023-29301: Adobe ColdFusion Access Control Bypass for a CFAdmin Authentication Component
Spring WebFlux – CVE-2023-34034 – Write-Up and Proof-of-Concept
How I found two api vulnerabilities by analyzing JS source code
CVE-2023-38205: Adobe ColdFusion Access Control Bypass [FIXED]
CVE-2023-29298: Adobe ColdFusion Access Control Bypass
Unveiling Access Control Flaws: How a Viewer Became an Editor
Chaining Self Blind XSS with Broken Access Control To Make it Non Self Blind XSS
Weakness of Integration