writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / Authentication Bypass

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
Let's Dance in the Cache - Destabilizing Hash Table on Microsoft IIS!
IAM Whoever I Say IAM :: Infiltrating VMWare Workspace ONE Access Using a 0-Click Exploit
Dancing on the architecture of VMware Workspace ONE Access (ENG)
From Shared Dash to Root Bash :: Pre-Authenticated RCE in VMWare vRealize Operations Manager
Advisory | Roxy-WI Unauthenticated Remote Code Executions CVE-2022-31137
With Management Comes Risk: Finding Flaws in FileWave MDM
Pwn2Own Miami 2022: Inductive Automation Remote Code Execution
Riding The Inforail To Exploit Ivanti Avalanche
Account Takeover via Response Manipulation
Admin account takeover via weird Password Reset Functionality
Pwning ManageEngine — From PoC to Exploit: A deep dive into CVE-2020–11531 and CVE-2020–11532
Lock Screen Bypass Exploit of Android Devices (CVE-2022–20006)
My first CVE-2022–31289
CVE-2022-1040 Sophos XG Firewall Authentication bypass
External Authentication bypass in ingress-nginx
CVE-2022-0540 - Authentication bypass in Seraph
Wiz Research discovers "ExtraReplica"— a cross-account database vulnerability in Azure PostgreSQL
Finding bugs to trigger Unauthenticated Command Injection in a NETGEAR router (PSV-2022–0044)
Authentication bypass using root array
Bug Bounty catches part -1
SSD Advisory – NETGEAR DGND3700v2 PreAuth Root Access
WhatsApp Bug Bounty: Bypassing biometric authentication using voip
Password Reset to Admin Access
Catching bugs in VMware: Carbon Black Cloud Workload Appliance and vRealize Operations Manager
Write Up – Android Application Screen Lock Bypass Via ADB Brute Forcing