writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / Arbitrary File Write

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
Zero-Click Calendar invite — Critical zero-click vulnerability chain in macOS
Studying 0days: How we hacked Anki, the world's most popular flashcard app
CVE-2024-29511 – Abusing Ghostscript’s OCR device
Probllama: Ollama Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2024-37032) – Overview and Mitigations
Preauth RCE on NVIDIA Triton Server
Devfile file write vulnerability in GitLab
Who are you? The Importance of Verifying Message Origins
I found 2 Zero-Days in popular Linux distros that includes Mint, Kali, Parrot
MobSF Remote code execution (via CVE-2024-21633)
Multiple Vulnerabilities In Extreme Networks ExtremeXOS
CVE-2023–4632: Local Privilege Escalation in Lenovo System Updater
LibreOffice Arbitrary File Write (CVE-2023-1883)
Avast Anti-Virus privileged arbitrary file create on virus restore (CVE-2023-1586)
Pimcore: One click, two security vulnerabilities
CS:GO: From Zero to 0-day
Avast Anti-Virus privileged arbitrary file create on virus quarantine (CVE-2023-1585 and CVE-2023-1587)
Breaking Docker Named Pipes SYSTEMatically: Docker Desktop Privilege Escalation – Part 2
Pretalx Vulnerabilities: How to get accepted at every conference
Parallels Desktop Toolgate Vulnerability
Attacking .NET Web Services
A New Vector For “Dirty” Arbitrary File Write to RCE
Froxlor v2.0.6 Remote Command Execution (CVE-2023-0315)
Uploading the Webshell using filename of Content-Disposition Header Story!
CVE-2021-43444 to 43449: Exploiting ONLYOFFICE Web Sockets for Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution
23000$ for Authentication Bypass & File Upload & Arbitrary File Overwrite