writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / Account Takeover

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
Gitpod remote code execution 0-day vulnerability via WebSockets
Interesting Stored XSS in sandboxed environment to Full Account Takeover
Account Takeover worth of $5
My P1 — Account Takeover
Microsoft Azure Account Takeover via DOM-based XSS in Cosmos DB Explorer
Bypassing SSO Authentication from the Login Without Password Feature Lead to Account Takeover
Shockwave Identifies Web Cache Deception and Account Takeover Vulnerability affecting OpenAI's ChatGPT
Technical Advisory – Azure B2C – Crypto Misuse and Account Compromise
Bypassing CORS configurations to produce an Account Takeover for Fun and Profit
IDOR Leads to MASS Account Takeover
HubSpot Full Account Takeover in Bug Bounty
Chaining Bugs to get my First Bug Bounty
Easy Account Takeover on dell subdomain
SSO Gadgets: Escalate (Self-)XSS to ATO
Mass Account takeover by bypassing 2 FA
Account Takeover in Canvas Apps served in Comet due to failure in Cross-Window-Message Origin validation
Account takeover of Facebook/Oculus accounts due to First-Party access_token stealing
Ransacking your password reset tokens
How i Hacked Scopely with “Sign in with Google”
CSRF + Stored XSS Leading to Full Account Takeover
The easiest way I used to bypass an admin panel
Account Take Over Due To AWS Cognito Misconfiguration
Full Account Take Over by very simple trick.
Bypassing authorization in Google Cloud Workstations [Google VRP]
How I Earned $1000 From Business Logic Vulnerability (account takeover)