writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / Twitter

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
How I found RXSS in Facebook, Twitter and Google training academy
Access Twitter blue features using deeplink without a subscription.
Play with Google, Twitter, Apple, Dell
Link Previews: How a Simple Feature Can Have Privacy and Security Risks
Universal XSS in Android WebView (CVE-2020-6506)
Responsible denial of service with web cache poisoning
Tale of a Wormable Twitter XSS
Twitter - protected tweets exposure
Twitter Denial of Service bug or How i could prevent all followers from reading or accessing literally ANY tweets!
Publish tweets by any other user
$3k Bug Bounty - Twitter's OAuth Mistakes
How I earned 5040$ from Twitter by showing a way to Harvest other users IP address
[Twitter Bug Bounty] Misconfigured JSON endpoint on ads.twitter.com lead to Access control issue and Information Disclosure of role privileged users.
Link injection on 2 Twitter Subdomain
POODLE SSLv3 bug on multiple twitter smtp servers
Bug bounty left over (and rant) Part III (Google and Twitter)
How I found IDOR on Twitter’s Acquisition – Mopub.com
How I Was Able To View Private Tweets Of Any Private Twitter Account
Fabric.io API permission apocalypse – Privilege Escalations
XSS by tossing cookies
Making an XSS triggered by CSP bypass on Twitter.
Parameter pollution bug at twitter
XSS Vulnerability in Twitter [https://twitter.com] (Write Up)
Vine Re-auth Bypass [Twitter Bug Bounty]
Twitter's Vine Source code dump - $10080