writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / Google

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
Lock Screen Bypass Exploit of Android Devices (CVE-2022–20006)
How I was able to see likes and dislikes count which is hidden by victim | YouTube #2
Breaking Secure Boot on Google Nest Hub (2nd Gen) to run Ubuntu
Bypassing CSP with dangling iframes
How I was able to see likes and dislikes count which is hidden by victim | YouTube #1
A Story of a Bug Found Fuzzing
How to download eBooks from Google Play Store without paying for them
Kubernetes Privilege Escalation: Excessive Permissions in Popular Platforms
Spoofing SaaS Vanity URLs for Social Engineering Attacks
How I was able to see likes and dislikes count even though is hidden by victim | YouTube #4
A Large-scale and Longitudinal Measurement Study of DKIM Deployment
Clipboard hazard with Google Sheets
Broken session control leads to access private videos using the shared link even after revoking the access for specific time!! — #GoogleVRP
CVE-2022-0337 System environment variables leak on Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Opera
Container Escape to Shadow Admin: GKE Autopilot Vulnerabilities
Log4shell in google $1337.00
Piercing the Cloud Armor - The 8KB bypass in Google Cloud Platform WAF
Send a Email to me and get kicked out of Google Groups !! — #GoogleVRP — A Feature that almost broke Google Groups !!
How I hacked Google to read files from their servers for free!
Google Security Misconfiguration Leads to Account Takeover !
How can I access the members-only video comment? | YouTube ($5,000)
Auth Bypass in com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox
Command Injection in Google Cloud Shell
CVE-2022-0185 - Winning a $31337 Bounty after Pwning Ubuntu and Escaping Google's KCTF Containers
RCE In Adobe Acrobat Reader For Android(CVE-2021-40724)