writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / Youssef Sammouda (@Samm0uda)

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
Open redirect in Instagram.com
XSS in Facebook CDN due to improper filtering of uploaded files extensions
Access files uploaded by employees to internal CDNs / Regenerate URL signature of user uploaded content.
Delete linked payments accounts of a Facebook page (or user)
Leak of internal categorySets names and employees test accounts.
URLs in img tag aren’t passed through safe_image.php which lead to exposure of Facebook users IPs.
Expose the email address of Workplace users
XSS on forums.oculusvr.com leads to Oculus and Facebook account takeovers
Bad regex used in Facebook Javascript SDK leads to account takeovers in websites that included it
Facebook DOM Based XSS using postMessage
Disclose content of internal Facebook javascript modules ( Revisited )
Admin disclosure of Facebook verified pages/ Disclose Facebook employee assigned to help a verified page.
Disclose internal files related to testing of some Facebook tools
Disclose the Instagram account linked to a Facebook user account or page
Internal directories enumeration in www
Privilege escalation in Partners Portal to Admin access
Add draft subtitles to any Facebook video and Full Path Disclosure
Exposure of Facebook object type by knowing the object ID
Ability to bruteforce Instagram account’s password due to lack of rate limitation protection
Generate valid signatures for files hosted in Facebook CDNs
Facebook CSRF bug which lead to Instagram Partial account takeover.
Cross-Site Websocket Hijacking bug in Facebook that leads to account takeover
Reflected XSS in graph.facebook.com leads to account takeover in IE/Edge
HTML to PDF converter bug leads to RCE in Facebook server
Access portal of Facebook mobile retailers and see earnings and referrals reports.