writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / Sudhanshu Rajbhar (@Sudhanshur705)

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
Bypassing CSP via URL Parser Confusions : XSS on Netlify’s Image CDN
Zoom Session Takeover - Cookie Tossing Payloads, OAuth Dirty Dancing, Browser Permissions Hijacking, and WAF abuse
Interesting case of a DOM XSS in www.figma.com
CVE-2023-33733 RCE via HTMLi in reportlab
Account hijack for anyone using Google sign-in with , due to response-type switch + leaking href to XSS on login.redacted.com
Prototype Pollution Akamai
Discord Rich Presence LeonardSSH.vscord
Prototype Pollution in xml2js
Exploring the World of ESI Injection
Prototype Pollution in fast-xml-parser
Bug Hunting Journey of 2021
Story of a weird CSRF bug
How I made it to Google HOF?
Reflected XSS in Facebook’s mirror websites
Bug Hunting Journey of 2019
How Recon helped me to to find a Facebook domain takeover
Reflected XSS in Zomato
Story about my first bug bounty
XSS in Microsoft subdomain