writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / Jerry Shah (@Jerry)

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
2FA Bypass - IDN Mischief
IDN Homograph Attack - Reborn of the Rare Case
IDN Homograph Attack and Response Manipulation - The Rarest Case
Stored Iframe Injection & Permanent Open Redirection - Zero Day
API Misconfiguration - Algolia API Key
SQL Wildcard DoS - Hang Till Death
LFI - An Interesting Tweak
IDOR - Inside the Session Storage
API Misconfiguration - No Swag of SwaggerUI
Account Takeover - Inside The Tenant
HTTP Parameter Pollution - It’s Contaminated Again
Business Logic Errors - Art of Testing Cards
XSS - The LocalStorage Robbery
Parameter Pollution - Zero Day
Broken Link Hijacking - Mr. User-Agent
SQL Injection - The File Upload Playground
Open Redirection - QR Code Magic
Business Logic Errors - A Logic Destruction
Business Logic Errors - Must Vote
RCE via WebDav - Power Of PUT
PII Leakage - Revealing Secrets
Blind Command Injection - It hurts
Server Side Request Forgery - A Forged Document
XSS via Exif Data - The P2 Elevator
Cross Site Port Attack - A Stranger’s Call