writeups.xyz writeups.xyz / Florian Hauser (@Frycos)

Title Vulnerabilities Programs Authors
Dynamics 365 Business Central - A Journey With Ups and Downs
Tableau Server - There Ain't No Vulns
From Blackbox .NET Remoting to Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution
FortiNAC - Just a few more RCEs
Java Exploitation Restrictions in Modern JDK Times
XXE with Auto-Update in install4j
GoAnywhere MFT - A Forgotten Bug
Using 0days to Protect the United Nations
Pre-Auth RCE with CodeQL in Under 20 Minutes
Skype for Business Audit Part 2 - SKYPErimeterleak
Skype for Business Audit Part 1 - SKYPErsistence
Searching for Deserialization Protection Bypasses in Microsoft Exchange (CVE-2022–21969)
Another Zoho ManageEngine Story
Finding SQL injections fast with white-box analysis — a recent bug example